The Climate Project

A handbook for the climate-conscious.

Where our Editor-in-Chief, Henry Munns, releases fortnightly articles on climate change and the transition to net-zero carbon emissions.


How to prevent a climate crisis?

The steps and key objectives needed.

    1. Reduce global carbon dioxide emissions to 45% below 2020 levels by 2030.

    2. Achieve net-zero emissions globally by 2050.

    See Episode 1: When the Levee Breaks

    1. Share of power generation coming from renewables needs to be >60% by 2030 and >95% by 2050. These numbers need to be >85% and >100% respectively in countries with abundant wind and solar such as Australia.

    2. Governments must support massive investment into battery and pumped hydro energy storage, as well as more transmission lines.

    See Episode 2: Low-Hanging Fruit

    1. All heating a cooling met by heat pumps, district heating, electrical heating or renewable sources by 2050.

    2. LEDs represent 100% of sales by 2030.

    3. Induction stoves account for most of cooktop sales by 2050.

    4. Average building energy use is 40% less than 2020 levels by 2050.

    5. All people have access to clean cooking.

    See Episode 3: A House of Cards